
On He Walks

2024 Collection 2

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I ❤️ Ipoh popup 29-30 June 2024

I ❤️ Ipoh popup 29-30 June 2024

上一个星期我们的Melaka Popup 惨淡收场。我怀着绝望的心情来到了Ipoh,心想凶多吉少了。 万万没想到人潮超多,进来逛的不只是“圈内人”,还有很多aunty uncle。来者不拒,我们最希望吸引不同温层的人群,多多了解我们的服装。...
Melaka Popup 22-23 June 2024

Melaka Popup 22-23 June 2024

今天和几个brand一起来到范冰冰的马六甲做popup  人潮不多,马六甲人你们在哪里?别躲着了快来买衣服!
"On He Walks" Lookbook

"On He Walks" Lookbook

photography_ Blueexpresss model_ Ameer Zuhair...
The concept of "On He Walks" 2024 Collection 2

The concept of "On He Walks" 2024 Collection 2

At the end of February,...
《Eason Intern之心得》

《Eason Intern之心得》

       哈咯 我叫Eason...
《JO员工日记》- 久违的

《JO员工日记》- 久违的

Guangzhou, this is hello

Guangzhou, this is hello

This article was first published on the old Shuren Projects blog at

in conjunction with the Portraits in olive collection launch in June 2017.

<INTERVIEW> 独家专访 Shuren Projects 与 Goodtimes 主理人

独家专访 Shuren Projects 与 Goodtimes 主理人

TW= Theng Wei from Shuren...
《JO员工日记》- 小偷日记

《JO员工日记》- 小偷日记

《JO员工日记》初恋 <3

《JO员工日记》初恋 <3
